Tuesday, October 16, 2007

spirit (believe)

My spirit my soul, my inner Jesus. This as i have discovered recently is a little heaven inside my being, its where God and his angels live, its a direct connection to my creator, it is the only part of me that is whole and complete. It is the only true ruler in which i measure my actions. As i learn how to let my mind and heart fall deeper into trust with my soul i will continue to become more knowledge able and better able to love. To my soul i owe my life, and with my soul i will continue to praise.
more to come...

heart (feel)

in my heart there is one driving force as to who i am and that is love, I may love to easily but thats who i am, my heart is here to love and although it may get me in trouble at times, its what ill do with it, someday my love will make my wife very happy. Today i hope that you will not abuse, or neglect my love, i hope you will use it to figure your heart out and i hope that we will learn to love one another, as god intended it to be. my heart only knows what it is intended to know, nothing more, nothing less

mind (think)

i can tell you this is certain:
I think because i have compassion for myself, for you, for the world around us. I think to help solve problems, thats why we all think, and i do it with true compassion for the world around me, thats why i think so hard.
more to come...