Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Leaving behind the person in personality

My thoughts of how I deal with learning to Love Someone, and my personal struggles with understanding the differences between loving a person and loving their personality.

Ok what a better time to write about this then now, I'm right in between loving a personality and I feel like I'm becoming in love with this person so.

These days we are so rapped up in wanting to be accepted so indulged in the crave to feel loved by another human being, I blame the parents...

As we look into this topic I hope you can start to identify if you really love someone or if you are just in love with some of their personality traits. You really can find a lot of awesome people with lovable traits. Most people on the world want to be nice people. Most of them want to "do onto others as is done onto you" and id like to believe that the greater population tries to do the right thing in every situation.

So lets all fall in love right! haha yeah, thats what many of us do. Notice that above I struggled writing that "id like to believe that the greater population...", you see I really believe that the population is getting worse and worse. Babies having babies, back talking spoiled kids, and the maturity of todays high school students show good examples of the decline of responsibility in our youth is becoming less and less every year. (lets not get off track GRR)

So back to learning the difference between loving a person and their personality.
Personality traits are the building blocks for the "tokens" that will become the love that you will have for a person. Out on the prowl for a mate you will meet a lot of very interesting people and with these encounters you will instantly notice certain things about them that you like and don't like, these are the personality traits that build the character that will determine if there is enough "material" present to start a relationship. In the same respect you will collect material on the other side of the scale, which i would hope would cause you to second guess your interests with this person.In every equation you where an operator is involved there are two sides of an equation and two sides of the operator.
EX 2+3=5 the 2 and 3 lay on one side of the equation and the 2 and the 3 lay on opposite sides of the operator. in order for the equation to be true, both sides of the equal sign must be true any way you read it.

Just like in relationships, you have to look at the good and the bad, and analyze the operators to find out if you can reach the proper answer on the other side of the equation.

Realize that you can love a lot of certain things about one person without getting together with them and that you can feel like you totally are in love with there awesomeness even thought there are some things that make you hesitant to the relationship.

There are many things that need to be said in this post but these are just my first few hrs of thought, please stay tuned ;)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

spirit (believe)

My spirit my soul, my inner Jesus. This as i have discovered recently is a little heaven inside my being, its where God and his angels live, its a direct connection to my creator, it is the only part of me that is whole and complete. It is the only true ruler in which i measure my actions. As i learn how to let my mind and heart fall deeper into trust with my soul i will continue to become more knowledge able and better able to love. To my soul i owe my life, and with my soul i will continue to praise.
more to come...

heart (feel)

in my heart there is one driving force as to who i am and that is love, I may love to easily but thats who i am, my heart is here to love and although it may get me in trouble at times, its what ill do with it, someday my love will make my wife very happy. Today i hope that you will not abuse, or neglect my love, i hope you will use it to figure your heart out and i hope that we will learn to love one another, as god intended it to be. my heart only knows what it is intended to know, nothing more, nothing less

mind (think)

i can tell you this is certain:
I think because i have compassion for myself, for you, for the world around us. I think to help solve problems, thats why we all think, and i do it with true compassion for the world around me, thats why i think so hard.
more to come...

Monday, September 17, 2007

The pliable scale of Tolerance

Links within this document

My battle


In this "chapter" I will discuss a huge fault of man. a fault that leads people to allow certain "things" in their lives even though they know they are not good for them. I will use relationships and dating as the Topic of discussion because lets face it 98% of us want to be happily married and i think that if you become pliable and start tolerating the idea of not finding the best person for you, you wont be able to be completely happy... ill explain below ;) click the link above for "reading"

1. easily bent; flexible; supple: pliable leather.
2. easily influenced or persuaded; yielding: the pliable mind of youth.
3. adjusting readily to change; adaptable.

1. the power or capacity of an organism to tolerate unfavorable environmental conditions
2. a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior [syn: permissiveness] [ant: restrictiveness]
3. the act of tolerating something
4. willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others [ant: intolerance]
5. a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits [syn: allowance]

1. Conformity to fact or actuality.
2. A statement proven to be or accepted as true.
3. Sincerity; integrity.
4. Fidelity to an original or standard.
5. Reality; actuality.

In the introduction I discussed being completely happy, lets get this out of the way first. Ill try to define this. Completely Happy is knowing that what ever happens you can always work though the issue, Complete happiness comes from having the spirit of God inside you, being able to work though issues and continuing to love someone is also a very "Godly" trait.

And we know from the definitions that pliable is something that is bendable
and that tolerance is the freedom to move with in a certain limit

A scale of tolerance in my mind is when you define a balance in your life of what is tolerable and what is not tolerable. When you try to define a balance you place certain things on each side of a scale measuring the good and bad. There are only two sides to that scale and they are pretty well defined as "things i will allow" and "things that i cant allow". When this side of the scale becomes "things that i shouldn't allow" or "things that i shouldn't touch often" you have become tolerant to a pliable scale. It can be very dangerous to play around in "the bad side" and if it is with something incredibly important to you, you should do everything you can to keep the scale black and white.

Example, if you are Christian and you love Jesus, you prob have created a little moral checklist with your Spirit about the things you will allow in your life and the things that you wont do (a moral scale of good and bad). you have created this list in hopes that you will do nothing wrong to upset God and that way you will be favored at the end of time. If you were to become pliable with this scale you would in turn be flirting with pissing off God if thats what you have defined as the purpose of creating this scale. In other words if the reason you created the scale was to keep away from the stuff you thought would not be good for you and would make God mad, then as soon as you start flirting with these "items" then you are flirting with "pissing off God".

The same can be said for relationships, dating, food, anything you measure.

I myself sometimes find it difficult to acknowledged that i create scales to balance my life, i just prefer not to judge, but when it comes down to it, God will judge me so if i don't create some sorta of way to judge myself i cant expect to keep myself "in check"

The process of dating is a long sometimes confusing journey of "throwing out the bait" and seeing if the "fish" you are trying to "get" likes your "bait". Often times we are so excited to see a nibble on this fishing pole that we will do everything we can to get this fish into the boat of a "relationship", no matter the type of fish. I believe we do this for many reasons, and i think that now days we want to be loved so badly we are willing to accept a fish that isn't the type of fish we need... enought calling the person we want to date a "fish" from here on out I will use myself and the word Woman instead of fish, to explain the scale of tolerance.

When looking for a Woman I personally have been very Pliable when choosing a person to date. (it should also be noted that i don't get into relationships with people if i don't think there is a possibility of marriage) The dangers of having pliable tolerance is that we start to let the "absolutes" we create for our "wife" become traits that can be learned or acquired during dating with a girlfriend. I believe that there are certain things that should be absolutes with a wife and i will have stop allowing myself not to seek out a girlfriend with the same quality's. For instance i need a wife that loves Jesus, hands down true absolute, good absolute, non dangerous, non selfish, quality wife trait. If i allow my self to be pliable to this absolute for some pretty girl that i hope God will eventually get to, i "sit" in lingo waiting for the girlfriend to become a wifeable (thats a barcus word) woman.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Following appropriateness makes a wise man noble

It is the mental ruler (or feeling) of which you must base you actions. You must take time making acknowledgment, and trying to understand this feeling so your path in life is more noble.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Assumptions are the act of personal deception

Intro thoughts
When we rely on our assumptions we often are blinded by our own perception of the world around us. The action of Assumption is a twisted melody that will comfort the normal man, but truly troubles me. I want to live life not to assume, and to boldly ask what no one has asked before!

Body, the god stuff
Remember that assumptions are only theories until we can prove them, until then we are just analyzing the data trying to search for the truth.

I believe that everyone is searching for truth, all day, every hour, until we reach the end of the road with our travels though life. We search for truth so that we have understanding, and closure. I wanted to add comfort to that list and I think that we CAN add it but we have to understand the "evil" power of an assumption.

With assumptions, we are creating a since of self assurance that everything we know and have known to "believe" is the current truth. And in fact it is in a way. If you get to a point where you will not prove wither your assumptions are true or false, then the assumption is the only thing you will have, kinda scary huh?

So if most scary things are in FACT not comfortable and since we as humans are constantly seeking comfort, then we must also seek the truth. It is then at that moment in which we find truth, we find comfort.

Now I know that many of you will say things such as, the truth is that there are tons of people dying from [insert any thing thats a big topic of discussion, aids, cancer, abortions] and i find no comfort in that truth. To you I would say first off, find comfort in death, its a damn hard thing to do for most of you. (I'm already getting distracted with ideas for my next post on the subject) But if you start with finding comfort in death you will be more acceptable to the truth that we will all die one day. Yes disease is a terrible thing and as you continue to know about God you will learn that all good things come from him and that the evil of the world is what is trying to consume us all, so yes bad things happen to good people, even "Godly people" but its because of the world you and I have created.

WOW sorry for that tangent I was just trying to create and example of an assumption and how there can be much more to a feeling and where it comes from then just thinking that it sucks that people die from disease.

Finding the truth is something that can often be a very hard process. But we have to realize that it is often easily found if we just ask. What makes it hard is we have to do something that most have forgotten log ago, communicate. Communicate your assumptions, you don't have to be blunt about them, just do what it takes to get the truth so you can start rebuilding your life based on truth and not on assumptions.

in closing
I would ask that you analyze your assumptions, but only if the truth is not available. Remember to that the truth is almost ALWAYS out there, you just have to look a little harder, act a little bolder, or humble yourself a little more to find it.

still not sure what else to say but there is MORE in my head on this topic

Learning is the process of understanding foreign thoughts

I hope that many of the things I write about will be not be all that foreign to my audience. However I can only hope that some will so that you may gain a better understanding of life (according to me).

Changing Situations in to Soulutions

My current motto, and passion. The reason why I tick, the fuel to my desire. A problem solvers life long journey.

We come face to face with many situations in life on an everyday bases. What Shirt do I where with these pants?

Expectations should derive from the truth in history

I will try to interpret reasons why we should use the method of basing our expectations on the truth in history and I will try to relay some of my personal struggles with using this equation.